Retired Members Association
… was founded in the early 1960s and was originally named the Old Comrades’ Association. The name was changed to the Retired Members’ Association in 2005.
The RMA currently has approximately 300 members. The main aim of the RMA is to enable retired members to keep in touch with each other via meetings, correspondence and social events such as lunches, theatre visits, and outings to places of interest. Members are also able to keep abreast of interesting news items in the monthly Newsletter. In the event of the death of any member of the Association the RMA provides a floral tribute or makes a donation to a named charity.
The Chief Fire Officer/CEO is the President who is supported by a Chairman, and a Committee of elected members who meet regularly to discuss matters relating to the Association and to plan and arrange social events.
An Annual General Meeting takes place in April of each year and all members are invited to attend. The meeting follows a set agenda and includes a presentation of the audited accounts and the election of officers. After the meeting there is a social gathering so that members can be reunited with old colleagues. Membership of the Association is worthwhile and is open to all employees of the Essex Fire and Rescue Service who have left the Service, whether by retirement or resignation, and have a minimum of 10 years’ service.
There is an annual membership fee of £3.00. which becomes payable on th 1st April each year. If you are about to leave the ECFRS and wish to join the RMA, complete an enrolment form (also linked at the bottom of the page).
The Chair
John Rogers
Email: johnhrogers1946@gmail.com
If you would like to know more about the RMA, please contact:
The Secretary
Barry Cable
Telephone: 01277 624152
Email: barryccable@gmail.com
The Treasurer
Gillian Day
Email: Geday267@gmail.com